It is essential that no un-authorised people are allowed onto the plots for the duration of this emergency. If you see non-allotment individuals, dog walkers etc anywhere on site please report them to the Allotment Warden or Parish Clerk. We cannot police the site but we can all reduce risks of infection.
If there is unauthorised use of this site it may have to be closed.
The Compost Loo and Allotment hut are now open. Please use sanitiser for door locks.
BCCS is now open 10-1pm Saturday. Do compost on your plot unless you are a BCCS member; allotment tenants may take unsieved compost as before
ALLOTMENT TENANTS should take the following precautionary measures:
- Do not wash hands or use detergents in the water tanks and please pay attention to notice boards in a changing situation.
- Please keep your children on your plot.
- Keep hand sanitiser in your shed and wash your hands regularly.
- If you come into the site by car preferably do not use the main gate at all but park in the road outside the site. If you HAVE to come in by car please ALWAYS keep the gate shut at ALL times.
- Always use hand sanitiser before opening and closing gate locks.
- Observe “Social Distancing” with each other 2-3 metres.
- Do not share tools.
If you display any symptoms of coronavirus stay at home and self-isolate for at least 14 days or until symptoms have passed.
Lesley Greene Allotment Warden 01452 770018
Debbie Meredith Bisley-With-Lypiatt Parish Council 01452 771 089